Future Leaders Exchange Abroad (FLEX Abroad)

Program Dates: 2024-25 School Year
Application Deadline: December 6, 2023

Launched in 1993 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the FLEX program strengthens ties between the peoples of the United States and Europe and Eurasia. The FLEX Abroad program, funded by the US Department of State, provides merit-based full scholarships for eligible American high school students to attend a local school in Kazakhstan, Poland, or Georgia for an academic year. FLEX Abroad participants serve as young ambassadors of the United States, promoting mutual understanding, forming lasting relationships with their host families and local communities, and developing leadership skills and global perspectives. Applicants must be US citizens and 15-18 years of age at the time of the program.

For more information and apply, go to www.discoverflex.org/flex-abroad. Questions? Email highschoolstudyabroad@americancouncils.org or call 800-380-6552. 

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